Blame the Victim

[August 22, 2012]

people always blame the victim of abuse. if someone hit you, you asked for it. if someone raped you, you asked for it. if someone stole your child, you asked for it. this is fact.

i had known this and still i continued to answer truthfully whenever someone asked: why did you not go to university? cos my parents forbade me. why did you marry so young? cos my parents forced me. why did you get a divorce? cos he was abusive.

but i didn’t expect this in an office full of ‘defenders of the human rights’. o how much about the world i still have to learn! they call me a nymphomaniac – it’s her troubled childhood you know. they say i am a homewrecker and husband stealer – her abusive ex-husband and the subsequent divorce ah. they declare that i am a bad mother – how could she possibly be otherwise.

lies! lies! lies! but when it is the defenders and liberal thinkers and the educated and modern who are caught in a mad dog frenzy of defamation, who do you go to? they will write hypocritical tripe, and win awards in fancy places wearing saris and kurtas and long sleeved shirts bought especially for the occasion … o but how do they go to sleep at night?

About pwettyfly

with compound eyes that see all and see nothing
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